FWD: is a podcast about the things that move us: the big ideas, fresh perspectives, and new discoveries.
In this episode, Mari and Christopher discuss the potential causes behind the growing fears that parents have for their children.
The Outline: When Did Parenting Become So Fearful?
Pew Social Trends: Parenting in America
Child Find of America: Facts & Stats About Missing Children
Washington Post: There’s Never Been a Safer Time to be a Kid in America
Washington Post: Five Myths About Missing Children
Parents: Child Abduction Facts
U.S. Department of Justice: Nonfamily Abducted Children: National Estimates and Characteristics
The Atlantic: Abandon Parenting, and Just Be a Parent
Boston Globe: When Did Parents Get So Scared?
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You can also follow Mari at @MarissaMegumi on Instagram and Twitter and Christopher at @ChrisNBrooks on Instagram and Twitter
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